Maybe we shouldn’t show stuff that is no longer available or has changed since delivered, but we still like them.  We feel that these samples add depth to our story if for no other reason than to show more range and client diversity. Thanks for looking.
Samples 1 and 2: C3MS and C3MS before and after. This site is being refreshed.
Sample 3: Aeroventions. This company has recently merged with another group.

Sample 4: Antique Caterpillar Museum. This site is active but has gone in-house for all updates and changes.
Sample 5: Path 81. This site is active but has gone in-house for all updates and changes.
Sample 6: Great Harbour Capital. This site is being refreshed.
Sample 7: WSCAP. Status unknown. Site delivered in early 2019, but as of yet, not live.