Third Party Logistics Education / Survival Guide: Pathfinder Logistics wanted to expand their market by educating current and perspective clients on the benefits of using a 3rd Party Logistics partner to handle their freight needs. We knew a single touch brochure or mailing would fall flat as the recipient at most firms (owners, shipping or production managers) have little time to stop and focus on sales materials. We decided to do a multi-touch direct mail campaign, email blast follow-ups, a bound booklet

for trade show and meeting leave behinds, digital ads on trade sites and in trade pubs as well as produce small survival kits (complete with tools: compass, saw, swiss army-style knife) for qualified leads and as limited edition show swag. We developed a ”Wilderness Survival” theme for the materials. Icons created quick-hitting service cues. The demographic skewed older, so we designed the project to have call back elements of the adventure magazines the recipients would remember as kids and young adults. Responsibilities: Concepts / Branding / Illustrations: Original and modified stock.